Rotary Club of Central Bucks

About the Central Bucks Rotary
We are a progressive group of local business people committed to advancing the ideals of Rotary in Central Bucks County - in a new, fun way. We invite you to join us!
Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, founded in 1905. Its members volunteer their time and talent on every continent to further the Rotary motto Service Above Self.
Q - What is Rotary?
As mentioned above, Rotary is the world's oldest service club. Started by Chicago businessman Paul Harris in 1905, Rotary was originally founded as a way for local businessmen to network while serving the community. Over time, Rotary grew substantially - and now it includes men and women from many different walks of life who want to follow the ideals of Rotary's guiding principal The Four Way Test. In fact we added another fifth test that you can see below (is it FUN).
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
- Is it FUN?
Rotarians (the term for members of Rotary) are involved of all facets of life; we were there when the UN was formed in 1945 and maintain a strong presence with the UN as well as many other non-governmental organizations throughout the world. Most recently, Rotary was awarded its second multi-million dollar gift from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in order to continue its Polio Plus initiative, which is working to eradicate Polio throughout the world.
Q - What do you do locally?
The Central Bucks Rotary wants to carry the strengths of the Four Way Test to our local community. We know there are plenty of opportunities for us to do service right here at home, while also lending support to the international objectives advanced by Rotary. Because we are a new organization we are still developing our relationships with local charities and those needing service, but some of the institutions we have supported as individuals and businesses in the past include The Bucks County Housing Group, A Woman's Place, Code Blue, Bucks-Mont Katrina Project, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bucks County, Livengrin Foundation, The Central Bucks YMCA and many others.
Q - When do you meet?
Our meeting format is different than many Rotary clubs in the area - because many of our members are younger professionals with families and children we agreed to work within Rotary's new "happy hour meeting" format. The way it works is that members and their guests come to the restaurant prior to the set meeting time to do networking and fellowship. In our case, that would be 5:30 in the evening. At 6:00 we ring our meeting bell and move to the meeting room upstairs at the Plumsteadville Inn for food and more networking. At 6:15 we offer our flag salute, welcome our guests and begin our business. We have a short presentation, and at 6:45 the business meeting ends. Everyone is encouraged to stay for additional networking and small-group discussion, but all members are excused at this time. So far the format is working very well, and our thirty minutes of group meeting time is very productive.
Q - I can't make every meeting, but I am very interested...what should I do?
Come and visit with us; let us talk to you about all the opportunities Rotary International has created for meeting attendance and service. Chances are good we can find a way that it works for you.
Q - What are the dues, fees, etc?
Because we don't serve a sit-down meal like many lunch-time and dinner-time clubs our fee structure is different. If you are interested in service but are concerned about the fees, visit a meeting and let us explain the dues plan to you.